October 09, 2009

EXPOMANUALIDADES 2009: XVI Art and Craft Fair.

     It's amazing what human hands can create.
     In Atlapa Convention Center, from Oct 2 to Oct 4 2009, took place EXPOMANUALIDADES 2009, the XVI Art and Craft Fair. This exhibition brought together several companies that promote handcraft products, were was highlighted Aileen Art World Company as the event organizer.
     I was impressed by the stand of Fundación Laboral de Jóvenes y Adultos con Discapacidad", where handicap people create craft products and these are sold. In the first pictures you can appreciate their stand.
     There were other stands showing painted wood art with child themes, handmade dolls, jewelry, paintings, "origamis", wooden birdhouses, painted aluminum buckets with ecological designs, hand wovens in great variety, ceramics, and as an exception , ornamental plants and flowers. In short, everything that can be considered craft was there.
     The Panamanian art were also stand out over the handcraft: the famous "Molas", multicolored fabrics highlighting panamanian flora and fauna , created by the Kunas, one of our indians tribes; feathers and ceramic potteries painted in pretty colors that seemed to become alive.
     Food stands with a variety of dishes were at the back of the fair. I was able to try “siu mai” (4 pieces per order). You may wonder, what is "siu mai"? Well, it is a pork and mushroom dumpling that is served at Dim Sum (Chinese breakfast). But you can order "siu mai" at any time in Chinese fast food restaurants in Panama.
     Before leaving the fair, I could see a Panama’s folk dance group interpretation, which the audience loved it.

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