October 20, 2009

"Fiesta Alrededor del Mundo 2009" - "Party Around the World 2009".

     Fiesta Alrededor del Mundo (“Party around the World”) is an event that takes place every year, where the participating countries, led by their embassies in Panama, are assigned to a stand where they sell food of their region to raise funds for charity. It had been so successful, that now they are selling handcrafts and other products from all countries. In addition, the stands are decorated with folk motifs of each country.
     Jack was there and you don’t know what I ate: first, I ate a German sausage with bread, you could add ketchup and mustard, but I decided to eat it without sauces and enjoy the taste of the sausage itself. It was good. Then in Mexico’s stand, I got some “nachos”. It was a dish of white corn tortillas, with a bean sauce and an avocado sauce, and white melted cheese above. You can’t imagine it... you had to be there.
     I kept going about the place and devoted myself to taking pictures of all the possible stands, but there were so many people who stopped in front of the stands. I went to the Chilean’s stand to get a Chilean chicken empanadas and a "mil hojas” (thousand leaves), Chilean desert which consists of nuts and caramel layers. You can see it, it’s in the photographs.
     I can say that almost all best known countries were there. I remember: United States, Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Holland, Ireland, Great Britain and many others.
     This event was organized by “Caravana de Asistencia Social” http://www.caravanasocial.com/ (Social Assistance Caravan), a nonprofit association composed of Diplomatic Corps and Consular ladies of Panama and Panamanian and foreigner residents ladies. The offices are located at 51th Street, Federico Boyd Ave., Edificio Pedreschi & Pedreschi and the phone number is (507) 223-6078.
     I can’t wait until the next Fiesta Alrededor del Mundo in 2010.

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