January 29, 2010

Eco Fair 2010.

     From January 9 to January 10, 2010, the ECO Fair was held  in the “Salón Las Totumas” of the ATLAPA Convention Center.
     The event attracted my attention because it is the first time you see a fair of this kind in the country, where the audience becomes aware of the new ecological practices for environmental conservation. There were stands of several associations and institutions for environmental conservation, as well as manufacturers of recycled and biodegradable products. At the fair you could also find products that work with solar energy, “bio-friendly” appliances, bamboo and recycled materials furniture, electric cars, organic foods, among others.
     There were also  lectures and workshops about recycling of different materials and themes related to environmental conservation. There were also runways with environmental awareness. 
     This type of fair in our country are very importance in our times by the information generated, because our planet is currently undergoing  radical changes in climate and geological disasters as consecuense of the polluting action of the human being.

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