February 18, 2010

La Chorrera International Fair 2010.

     La Chorrera is a city near Panama City, located west of the country. To get there, you have to cross the Bridge of the Americas or the Centennial Bridge which connects the lands separated by the Panama Canal.
     Every year we celebrate the La Chorrera International Fair in this city and this year is its 50th edition.
     The main objective of the fair is to provide a commercial showcase for agricultural and livestock products produced in the region. I saw exposure of cattle as well as agricultural products planted in the place. You could see how plants are of the different products such as sunflower, lettuce, peas, tomatoes, rice and others.  There was an exhibition of all fruits, tubers and vegetables produced in the country. It was interesting.


     At the fair, the crafts are highlighted and sold, crafted by Panamanian hands like hand-painted clay pots for plants, pottery items to decorate walls, leather sandals and other leather goods, hammocks, jewelry, molas (Kuna Indians' embroidered fabrics), “polleras” (Panamanian female costume) and accessories for the pollera, and also for the Panamanian man costume, bamboo or teak furniture, paints, confectionery and Panamanian candies, including peddling goods in general. I also found with many stands selling plants. And you could not miss in this fair a zoo with exotic species both local and elsewhere that can adapt to the climate of the country.

     Being an International fair, there were some countries that exhibited some of its products, especially handicrafts. Some countries present were: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru and others. Very good idea to export handicrafts, thus bringing the traditions of countries around the world.

     The fair is very large and takes time touring it completely. You can find several Panamanian food stands, as well as grilled. Very famous are “chorizo” (sausages) and “carne en palito” (stick meat). I found some stands of some restaurants of the country. One was a fast food restaurant and another was a pizzeria. There were also stands with soda and beer can sales in every corner of the fair. I must remark that the sun was shining as a delicious tropical summer while in the north were being freezing cold and snow storms did not stop.
     It was an enriching experience, which ended in the area of rides. It's amazing how people like to feel the fear feeling and defy gravity. Definitely, this area you could only hear the screams of people excited and enjoyed these rides. I would have liked to stay up at night to appreciate the place lit by colorful lights that hypnotize and entice the viewer to ride on their iron structures.

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