September 03, 2011

Panamá Gastronómica 2011.

    From September 1 to September 3, 2011, was held at the Atlapa Convention Center, the Congress and Expo-Fair "Panamá Gastronómica 2011." According to the organizers the mission of this activity is to position the country as a gastronomic destination, been a window to the world of Panamanian products and talents.

     Several national chefs and others guest chefs which came from abroad participated in the event, including one of the "Iron Chefs". Several conferences were presented by these chefs over three days, and also held a group competition between chef students with his tutor from different universities.

     I loved visiting “Panama Gastronómica”. There were many companies’ stands that are related with sales cooking products , food and drinks. This year they implemented the Wine Route, where participants paid for a wine glass engraved with the name of the event, and may apply at each stand that promoted wine tasting. 
     There were stands selling cuts of meat and you could prove it. My God, it was delicious!  There were also some universities that made food preparation exhibits as snacks and then a chef distributed them. That was a fight among the attendees who wanted to taste.

     Conclusion, everything was delicious. I leave the address of the event's website Panama Gastronómica 2011 if you want to know what happened there and if you want to participate next year.
     I placed some photos of the event.  Enjoy them.

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